Owning a pet has never been more popular, both locally and across the UK. Pet ownership levels have peaked in recent years, partly due to the coronavirus pandemic and a major increase in the amount of time people have been spending at home. If you don’t have pets (yet!), then there’s a very strong […]

Flooring Considerations When Working From Home
The new normal is making us all look at our homes differently — especially those of us who are WFH. What was once a living room might now be an office, and what was once a kitchen table might now be a co-working space and classroom all-in-one! If spending so much time at home has […]

Donnelly Watson Welcomes Louis to the Team!
Today we’re really excited to be welcoming our new store manager, Louis Dawson to the team. It’s great to be expanding our team at this time, welcoming a fresh face and new ideas. Louis brings with him over 20 years experience in the home furnishings industry, coming to Donnelly Watson from Barretts of Woodbridge where […]

Buying Carpet – Where To Start
Having a showroom that is stocked floor to ceiling with carpet choices, we understand that there is an overwhelming number of differing carpet types available – you’d certainly be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed by the choices. At Donnelly Watson, we understand that for every need, there is a carpet type; for every style there is […]

The Psychological Benefits of Carpet
As most of us have spent more time at home in recent years, we’ve found ourselves considering the impact that our home and work environment has on our wellbeing. In stressful periods, an unwelcoming environment can exacerbate your anxieties. Following on from an array of different studies, this guide takes you through four reasons why […]

Key Considerations for Care Home Flooring
Care homes require a complex gamut of flooring solutions. The right choice of flooring is fundamental to creating a relaxed home-from-home environment that is also safe, clean and infection-controlled. Marrying these expectations is a balancing act which requires careful consideration. Using our commercial flooring expertise, this blog will guide you through the key spaces in […]

COVID-19: Using Floor Zoning to Create Safe Commercial Spaces
No one knows how long the current social distancing protocols will be in place as a result of COVID-19, or what new practices may be implemented in the future. What we do know however, is that companies need to return to work, and while remote working may be a viable solution in the short-term, for […]

COVID-19: How We Are Keeping Customers Safe
Here at Donnelly Watson, we are very conscious of the challenges that businesses and homeowners are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a business, our priority throughout this time has been to keep both our customers and team safe, as well as the wider community. With that in mind, we are pleased […]

The Ultimate Guide to Wool Carpet
Wool carpet remains one of the most popular flooring choices for customers today, with its comfort, quality and durability making it a safe bet for any home or business. In this guide, we take a look at the different types of wool carpet and the numerous benefits it offers, along with some advice on how […]

Wood Flooring Care Guide
The durability and hardwearing nature of wood are often the deciding factors when homeowners are searching for the perfect flooring. In order to maintain its beauty – and to avoid damage – thorough attention and care is essential. If you follow our simple steps, then your wood flooring will be looking as good as new, […]

What Are the Best Flooring Choices for Your Conservatory?
The conservatory is one of the most versatile rooms in your home. In the summer it brings the outdoors in, so you can bask in the sun or throw the doors open and enjoy the breeze. In winter it brings the indoors out, so you can enjoy the feeling of being in the garden without […]

What Are the Best Flooring Choices for Your Bathroom?
For most rooms in your home, choosing flooring is a matter of what looks best, feels best, and most suits the space. When it comes to your bathroom flooring though, there’s a lot more to consider. From waterproof ratings to slip-resistance, we’re taking a look at the most important qualities any bathroom floor needs to […]